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Congratulations KRISTEN GOUIN our CFW August CrossFitter of the Month!

  • About Kristen:
  • Let me start by saying I feel very honored to have been chosen as CrossFitter of the Month. Each and every member is deserving for so many reasons stromectol cena.
  • My story goes like this: I am a teacher, a wife and a mom to 3 little boys and as we all know life gets very busy. However a little over a year ago I decided I needed to be doing something because I was not doing much at all in terms of working out. At that time my sister, Jessica D’Angelo (in case you don’t know, we are twins), brother-in-law and husband were all CrossFitters. I was that person who had no clue what they were talking about and I would get so annoyed from them constantly talking about it (oh how times have changed). I also felt totally intimidated about the idea of CF because from the little I knew or had seen I definitely didn’t think it was for me. I don’t have an athletic background and never worked with weights like that and I certainly wasn’t “strong” at that time. My husband is a coach at NHCF and encouraged me to get started. My sister had recently switched to CFW from NHCF. She said Wallingford was pretty small, had a lot of women and there were many varying abilities. And of course I knew she would be there to help me out. My husband fully supported me going along with her and after that intro class there was no turning back.
  • I am sure Ron and Rob can attest to how far I have come from then until now. I could barely squat or lift much weight at all and my form was not very pretty. Today there are still several things I can’t do…I mostly can’t wait to get my first pull up, toes to bar and HSPU…but as I have accomplished many other things I know in time they will likely come. I also can’t RX most weights and don’t have the fastest times but I have become content knowing each time I come I really try my best and enjoy challenging myself.
  • The Opens was a pivotal time for me. It was just the right “competition” that challenged me to push myself to work harder at some of the skills we work on all the time. I achieved a lot of success through the Opens and would encourage everyone to use that opportunity to see where their true abilities lie. You will very likely surprise yourself! The competition I recently did at Bell City was another “out of my comfort zone” experience but I was feeling ready for another challenge. Through these comps, I have learned that ultimately the only person you should compete against is yourself. Without even worrying about comparing yourself to others it is awesome to watch yourself grow and show your strength in so many ways.
  • My appreciation for being strong and in particular my view of a strong woman has changed so much (no offense men, but we are used to you being pretty strong). It is so empowering to feel strong! Thank you so much to all the new friends I have made who have encouraged me and supported me through this journey.A special thank you to all the coaches who recognize each person for their own abilities and accomplishments and make each one of us at our box feel important. I really would not have come as far as I have if you guys didn’t literally tell me you knew I could some of the things I thought I couldn’t. It has been a truly amazing experience and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me at CFW!
  • Congrats again to Kristen! Kristen just competed in her first comp and worked everyday the week before to get better at the WODs. Kristen has come so far and along the way she has continued to smile. Kristen is also one of the most encouraging members we have. We love having Kristen at CFW!