CrossFit Wallingford’s Fight Hunger Games

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WODs have been announced for the Fight Hunger Games!

WOD #1
5 min AMRAP:
Front Squat (115/75)
**Take weight from the rig**
**Max combined reps**

WOD #2
14 min time cap:
80 Wall Balls (14/10)
80 KB Swings (45/25)
80 Knees to Elbows (2 inches above parallel)
80 Cal Row (damper on 5)
**Split reps and row up between partners**
**We will have a mark for your knee to touch for knees to elbows**
**Wall balls for men is 10 foot target and for women is 8 foot target**

WOD #3
8 min AMRAP
5 Ground to Overheads (95/65)
10 Box Jumps Up and Over (Step ups allowed) (24/20)
15 Jumping Pull-ups
Ground to overhead:
**Snatch or clean and jerk**
Box jump up and over:
**Both feet must be on the box as you go over**
Jumping Pull-ups:
**Arms must be locked out at the bottom and the chin must be over the bar**
**Chasing style**

A 4th WOD for the top teams will be announced the day of the competition
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