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Congratulations Jean Simpson: December CrossFitter of the Month!

First let me say I am honored to be recognized as CrossFitter of the month. It was truly unexpected. My journey into fitness and weight loss started a long time ago.I have struggled with weight most of my life and was never involved in any kind of sports or physical activity. Six years ago I was scolded by a doctor for being at my heaviest, which was 165 pounds. It may not sound like a lot for some but as you all know I am a bit vertically challenged so for me it was. I decided I no longer wanted to be that girl anymore; the girl who wanted so much more for herself but never had enough drive or confidence to do it.


I started going to a gym and did ok but then Jason and I decided to have Hailey.Even though I exercised all the way through my pregnancy and up until a week before I delivered, I was not able to get the weight I originally lost back off. So there I was back at the gym at least four days a week spinning, running on the treadmill, using machines etc. I tried diet upon diet and nothing was working.


That’s when my friend Chris suggested we try CrossFit. I was very skeptical at first because CrossFit had a reputation both with positive and negative things. My initial thought was that I didn’t want to be that “overweight” girl next to all these hardcore athletes I have heard so much about. I would say at this time in my life I was very insecure and my self-esteem was definitely not at its highest. The thought of the word athlete and my name never went together in the same sentence but I decided to try it anyways and as time went on it didn’t seem that farfetched any more.


In the time I have been doing CrossFit I have learned so much about myself and I have never felt better physically or mentally. I have lost weight and I can finally see my body changing.I have so much more knowledge now than I did going into this. I know now, whether it is a leap or a bound, I am proud of everything I do in CrossFit. I know now that with each thing I achieve I am that much closer to where I always wanted to be.I am no longer that shy, insecure girl that thinks I can’t do things or I can’t be as good as everyone else. Even coming off of an injury I was determined to not lose what I had achieved so far and because of that I never stopped trying and now I am stronger than I have ever been.


I cannot thank my fellow CrossFitters enough for never making me feel like I didn’t belong and always showing nothing but a positive attitude and support. I also want to thank our awesome coaches of course who never treat you like a number but actually know each and every one of us along with our strengths and weaknesses. This is why I have the love for CrossFit I do now and couldn’t imagine not having it as an outlet in my life.I no longer feel the need to look a certain way so people will “accept” me. I am me and I am 100% okay with that.


I will leave off with one of my favorite quotes: “You will never truly fail if you never stop trying.” That is my plan and I can’t wait to see what I will be capable of in the future!


** Congratulations, Jean! Your enthusiasm and attitude contributes so much to CrossFit Wallingford! We know you’ll never stop trying and we know you are capable of even more in the future!**