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Congratulations RICK CLAXTON! January CrossFitter of the Month

**CONGRATULATIONS RICK CLAXTON! Our January CrossFitter of the Month!**

About Rick:

I am honored to be selected as the CrossFitter of the month, I never thought or expected it to happen, but I couldn’t be happier. I thank my wife Abby for introducing me to CrossFit and waking me up most mornings to make sure that I go, she keeps me accountable and I wouldn’t be where I am without her.

I can’t think of the last time I left a regular gym soaked from top to bottom in sweat and I certainly never had to run out the front door of a regular gym to throw up. At first, me running out the door was because I was out of shape, now it’s because Ron and Rob continue to push me to a level beyond my current comfort zone, whatever that may be at the time. As my comfort zone develops, they push me past it, and isn’t that the point? That is one of the things I love about CFW, the accountability.

When my knee was injured, I couldn’t complete an air squat and certainly couldn’t run well. Working with Ron and Rob on scaled exercises developed my knee and neither allowed me to go backwards. It didn’t matter the amount of progress, just that I got a little better each time. Both developed a keen eye on when I was slacking and called me out on it immediately, not letting my knee slow me down, and to “fight for it.” Now, I consider my knee completely healed. That’s my favorite part about CFW, I don’t need to be the best, I just need to be better.

Thanks again to the CFW coaches and community, I appreciate the motivation, encouragement and I look forward to the WODs to come.

**Congratulations, Rick! You continue to make us proud and we can’t wait to see where you go with CrossFit in 2015!**