New photo from Crossfit Wallingford

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** CONGRATULATIONS LESSY ANTUNEZ! Our March CrossFitter of the Month! **

About Lessy:

First of all, I am honored and, yes, shocked.

Two years ago I had reached a plateau and was starting to get bored with the gym I was going to. When my cousin Betty asked me to go with her to CFW’s Open House I jumped at the opportunity to find out what CF was all about. That day I met Ron and Rob. I knew that day I wanted to join but against my better judgment I decided to join a box few blocks from my apartment. Within five months and last minute I was informed they were closing. I immediately called John (Sarge) to ask him to please call Ron and Rob to see if I could join them.

I started my CFW journey the next day and have not looked back. Everyone from the coaches and the members were welcoming. They have been supportive and encouraging no matter what fitness level any body else is. I love the positive energy. The camaraderie while we work out is amazing. I look forward to going and being challenged every time. Joining CFW has been one of the best decisions I ever made. It has made me stronger mentally and physically. I am amazed how everyone trains and how far everyone has come.

I am a chronic migraine sufferer who used to get 15 headaches or more a month. In the past three months I have only gotten one headache. My neurologist insists CFW has a lot to do with it. I have gotten stronger, more that I ever thought I could and — yes, Coach Ron, even though I continue to doubt myself you continue with your supportive gentle ways to push me to go out of my comfort level and continue trying and growing. I would not want it any other way. Thank you to my cousin Betty for asking me to go with her to the Open House, to my amazing boyfriend John for being so supportive and making sure he called the Coaches so I could joined the next day, to Coach Ron and Rob for all your hard work. For taking the time very time to teach us on how to improve our own individual techniques. You are the most supportive wonderful coaches ever and the 6:30 am Crew you are all amazing. I look forward to continuing to be part of the most amazing CF family.

** Congratulations, Lessy! We’re proud of your accomplishments and we’re so glad you are a member of our CFW family. Your enthusiasm and dedication is outstanding. Keep up the great work!**
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