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CONGRATULATIONS ALICIA OLSON! Our April CrossFitter of the Month!

**CONGRATULATIONS ALICIA OLSON! Our April CrossFitter of the Month! **

About Alicia:

Wow! Let me just get that out of the way! Just wow! I am not only overwhelmed but so proud of the thought of being CrossFitter of the Month! I appreciate this recognition so much!

Growing up, I have always been up and down weight wise. It was mostly always on the up side though. I was not very athletic, although I played softball my whole life and volleyball in High School. I was very passionate about both, but never felt like I compared to some of the finer athletes on my teams. Most of my knee problems began with sports related injuries. My knees would come, later in life, to be my ultimate nemesis.

On August 16, 2003 my life was rocked in a way I never thought would happen. I found my sister in her room, she died from an accidental heroin overdose. My world was turned upside down. For approximately 3 years, I have no memories of anything in my life. I was treated with PTSD and developed significant twitches and quirks that became defense mechanisms to protect my sanity, hence the hugging problem I’m still working on. I had lost any sense of self that I had and had to almost relearn to live life. After 10 years of recovery, I had finally made it to a better place, but something was still missing.

One night, after a few glasses of wine, I agreed to Andrea to try a intro class. I was regretting that idea the next morning…. Looking back, it was the best decision ever. The day I first walked through the doors of CFW I was terrified. I recall telling Ron a whole host of things that I would never do when it came to CrossFit. He just nodded and smiled. Looking back, I believe he and Rob had faith before they even knew who I was. That, or they had heard it all before. After about 8 months of CrossFit, I had finally found the last piece of the puzzle in my recovery and at that point I found myself the happiest I had been in a while. I was reminded through friendships made, milestones reached, encouraging words, team work and defeats overcome, who I was, what I was capable of, and how to rebuild my self esteem bit by bit. I have made some amazing friendships and am blessed to have them by my side. This alone, makes me so proud to be a part of CFW.

Even though several doctors have told me that I can’t and shouldn’t be doing CrossFit because of the severe lack of cartilage in my knees, I have pushed on. Some days are more painful than others, but after accomplishing most of the list I told Ron I would never do, from box jumps to “single” double unders, I will never give up. My determination to become the athlete I never thought I would be far outweighs the cant’s and wont’s. What do those doctors know anyway?!

I thank you so much for this recognition and all of the encouragement over the past year and a half. Never had I thought I’d be doing things like competing in comps or doing the opens, but I am and I’m doing it with everything I have each and every time! I am so excited that I am becoming the athlete I always envied growing up. I look forward to everything that the future has in store for me on this incredible ride! 2015 IS definitely my year!

**We’re so proud of you Alicia! You have accomplished so much in a short time and we know you will meet and beat so many more goals in the future. Your enthusiasm for the 2015 Opens was inspiring and motivating to all of us at CrossFit Wallingford**