New photo from Crossfit Wallingford
via Crossfit Wallingford on Facebook
via Crossfit Wallingford on Facebook
Team Carter kicking butt in today's team wod.....taking home the belts!!! via Crossfit Wallingford on Facebook
Friday 6/5/15 Hero WOD: Mr. Joshua 5 rounds: 400m run 30 GHD sit-ups 15 Deadlifts (250/185) SO1 Joshua Thomas Harris, 36, drowned during combat operations, August 30th 2008 in Afghanistan.…
Thursday 6/4/15 6 Rounds: 6 Thrusters (155/95) 10 Ring rows 10 KB swings (70/55) **45 sec rest** **3 burpee penalty for every broken set to be done after WOD**
Wednesday 6/3/15 Strength: Hang clean: 6x2 (work up to heavy 2) WOD: 15 minute AMRAP: 5 Dumbbell snatch (75/45) (right) 5 Dumbbell snatch (left) 10m Sled push (135/95)
Tuesday 6/2/15 Strength: Back squat: 5x1 (90% 1 RM) Strict press: 5x5 (60% 1RM) WOD: 10 minute amrap: 4 Goblet squats (70/55) 2 Bar muscle-ups 8 Box jumps (24/20) **Chest…
Tomorrow starts our nutrition challenge, mobility challenge and movement challenge.
Monday 6/1/15 5 Rounds: 12 Lunges (6 ea. leg) 12 Ring dips 24 Double-unders **35-45% of 1 RM of back squat for lunges**