Crossfit Wallingford
Wednesday 07/22/15 Skill: Pistols (5 min) Use boxes, bands, etc., depending on skill level WOD 3 Rounds: Clean and jerk (95/65) Cal row Thruster (95/65) Double-unders Overhead squat (95/65) *…
Wednesday 07/22/15 Skill: Pistols (5 min) Use boxes, bands, etc., depending on skill level WOD 3 Rounds: Clean and jerk (95/65) Cal row Thruster (95/65) Double-unders Overhead squat (95/65) *…
This is how every single person should feel after attempting tonight's WOD! CrossFit is not just about testing yourself physically, but testing yourself mentally!!! Great job tonight and #cfwpride via…