New photo from Crossfit Wallingford

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Alright, here’s a Crossfit story!

Today I caught the tail end of the kid’s class today at 4:30 at Crossfit Wallingford, and towards the end, one little boy was clearly struggling. He was the last one working out, still finishing the workout everyone else was done with. Being last sucks(I know, I finished last tonight!), but it happens, and the adult classes are usually really supportive because we’ve almost all been there. Do kids have the social empathy to put themselves in another’s place and recognize how hard it is to be last? I wasn’t so sure, and figured this boy would get a big high-five from Coach Rob and maybe his parents. However, when this little boy finished, and looked quite frankly like he might cry(okay, I’ve never cried after a workout, but I swear I’ve felt like I might), the answer became pretty apparent when my oldest niece Ali and nephew Ryan were right there to give him high fives and congratulate him on a great job. They were tired, they were sweaty, but they took a few seconds to let that little boy know that he wasn’t alone. I couldn’t be prouder of those kids, or of Elaine and Robert for the amazing job they are doing raising all three kids into great people.
#cfwnation #cfwfamily #wearedifferentcf
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