New photo from Crossfit Wallingford

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**January 2016 CFW recap**
2016 started off with a bang at CFW! We all got spiffied up and danced the night away at the Aqua Turf. We completed the first two installments of the in house team series. Mike’s CardioFit class is going strong, a new running club was formed (contact Meredith if you would like to be added to the group) and be sure to check out the new assault bikes. We also have a new basketball hoop and weight bags for your fitness enjoyment! Please continue to let us know about YOU!!

We welcome Matt, Robbe, Jessie, Jim, Taryn, Scott and Bert to the CFW family and are thrilled to have Anthony and Melissa return!
Congratulations to Mark Gery on his Hamden Police officer of the year award and Lisa and Tom on their engagement! Also congrats to coach Mike and his wife Kara on her pregnancy!!! Feature crossfitter of the month.

This month had some exciting PRs and accomplishments!
Rob (R Kelley)- got his very first rope climb and double unders! Rob is moving on due to a change of employment- we will miss you Rob! Be sure to come back to visit!
Rachel Safford- got her pullups and a strict press PR
Jess D- completed an entire WOD with all HSPUs
JenPen- PRs on both her thruster and strict press
Alicia- Strict Press Pr and strung together double unders
Damien- PR on his Overhead squat
Tom Donato- Strict press PR
Rose- has eaten no junk food since the new year (except for a piece of Emma’s birthday cake!)
Matt S- started competing in Matches with the amateur grid team New Haven Miners. We can’t wait to watch you, Matt!

Thanks, to everyone who submitted accomplishments. Please continue to share for the February’s update!
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