New photo from Crossfit Wallingford
Workout of the Day: 3/11/16 10:30-12:30 Full Maltz -400 meter run -50 pull ups -100 meter fireman’s carry or 200 meter farmer’s walk with 50#/25# dumbbells -50 dips -100 push…
Workout of the Day: 3/11/16 10:30-12:30 Full Maltz -400 meter run -50 pull ups -100 meter fireman’s carry or 200 meter farmer’s walk with 50#/25# dumbbells -50 dips -100 push…
Tuesday 3/8/16 1000m row Then: 8 Rounds: 6 Pull-ups (comp: 3 Bar muscle-up) 8 Hand release pushups 10 KB swings (70/55) Then: 100 Double unders/ 250 singles