Crossfit Wallingford

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Recovery poses for Monday 3/14/16 courtesy of ROMWOD:
For all of these recovery poses, here are a few things I want you to focus on as you are doing them. Breath deeply through your nose to help relax your central nervous system. Stay relaxed the entire time, don’t tighten up your muscles. Don’t force yourself to go deep in the pose. Allow time and gravity to open you up.

Seated forward fold – 2 min
Sit with you legs straight out in front of you. Sit up tall then fall foward over your legs as deep as you can while reaching for your feet. You should feel this in your hamstrings and lower back.

Saddle – 2 min
Sit on your heels with your big toes together and knees wide apart. Lean back as far as you can comfortably go until you feel a stretch in your quads. The goal is to be able to lay flat on the floor but that takes lots of flexibility. Don’t be surprised if you can’t go very far.

Low dragon – 2 min per leg
This is our ankle stretch we do in my wednesday classes. Take one leg out in front and leave the other one long behind you. Place one hand on either side of your foot and drop your chest onto your front knee. Lean forward while keeping your heel on the ground to stretch out you ankle, achilles and calf.