Crossfit Wallingford
Wednesday 8/10/16 Strength: MisFit Snatch complex Snatch + Overhead Squat + Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat - 15 min to work up to heavy set - compare to 12/30 WOD…
Wednesday 8/10/16 Strength: MisFit Snatch complex Snatch + Overhead Squat + Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat - 15 min to work up to heavy set - compare to 12/30 WOD…
Find Out More: Follow Crossfit Wallingford on Facebook
Tuesday 8/9/16 For Time (25 min cap) 8 Deadlift (365/225) 40 GHD situps (50 abmat situps) 80 Double unders (160 singles) 4 Rope climbs 80 Wallballs (20/14) 4 Rope cliimbs…
Knock, knock.. Who's there? Monday.... Get your ass to the gym!! via Crossfit Wallingford on Facebook
Mon 8/8 Strength: Strict Press Warmup 2x5 @ 50% 1x5 @ 60% 5 @ 65% 5 @ 75% 5+@85% WOD For Time 3 Jerks (185/125) 4 Front Squat 5 Cleans…
CFW August challenge: WOD 1: 5 min amrap: Max tire flips (men's tire is outside women's tire is inside) WOD 2: Row challenge: Set 1: 125m Set 2: 250m Set…
**CONGRATULATIONS, Carley Marie! Our August CrossFitter of the month!** About Carley: I am truly honored to be nominated as CrossFit Wallingford's crossfitter of the month. Over the past year, I…
Mind set is just as important as ability. If you don't think it's possible then it's not!!! Believe in yourself because we do! via Crossfit Wallingford on Facebook
Fri 8/5 21-15-9 Deadlift 205/135 Kb Swings 70/55 Pullups
Thursday 8/4/16 4 Rounds 25 Wallballs (20/14) 15 GHD situps w/medball 400m run w/medball