Crossfit Wallingford
Thursday 11/3/16 Skill: T2B - how to string reps together Strength: OHS increasing weight 3x3 2x3 1x3 (65,75,85%)" 21-15-9 50 DU between sets Power Snatch (95/65) T2B
Thursday 11/3/16 Skill: T2B - how to string reps together Strength: OHS increasing weight 3x3 2x3 1x3 (65,75,85%)" 21-15-9 50 DU between sets Power Snatch (95/65) T2B
Wednesday 11/02/16 10 Min EMOM Push Press, Push Jerk, Split Jerk 0-4 weight steady 5-10 increase (split jerk - dip drive and foot position) **Then** 12 Min 3 Squat Clean…