New photo from Crossfit Wallingford

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**December Member appreciation Month

Hello everyone,

We’ve decided to make December “Members Appreciation Month”. We just want to say thank you and let you know that 2017 is going to be another great year at CFW!!

We have set up a Christmas tree and placed “blank ornaments” under the tree. We encourage everyone to make an ornament….it can be a quote, it can be a positive thought, it can be someone that inspires them, it can be ANYTHING about CFW that makes you feel good.

We will be having a “coffee table” on Mondays. It will include coffee, hot chocolate, fruit and breads/muffins. We encourage everyone to help themselves, and to also encourage anyone to stop by at any point during the day/evening for a coffee and a snack even if they are not working out.

We will be handing out “Tokens of Appreciation”. These will be small gifts to be given out to each member before or after each class. We will do this two days a week, each week in December. The days will rotate so we can hit as many members as possible in the month.

We will also be giving items away at team WOD on the 3rd, 17th and 31st. When you come to team WOD you will write your name on a piece of paper and place it in a bowl. The coach will then pick a name at the end of team to receive the gifts. We at CFW just want to say thank you and Happy Holidays!!
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