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May CrossFitter of the Month: Jim

  • Congratulations Jim! Our May CrossFitter of the Month!
  • About Jim:
  • I am 33 years old. I grew up playing football and doing MMA. I attended Sacred Heart University for a few years. At 21, I joined and proudly served as Machine Gunner in the United States Marines (Semper Fi to all who served and to those that gave the ultimate sacrifice). When I came back, I finished my degree at Southern Connecticut State University.
  • About 5 & 1/2 years ago, I started my job with the State of Connecticut weighing 225 lbs. I never had a sit down job before, and that is where I got lazy with working out and careless with my diet and gained a tremendou…s amount of weight.  At my all time high, I weighed 294 lbs. I realized that I was really out of shape and my health was going in the wrong direction when I started coaching my daughter’s soccer team. I tried your regular gyms, and your intense at home workout videos. Both worked to a point, but as for the regular gym, if I did not have anyone to go with, I could not get myself motivated enough to go by myself.  With the at home workouts, I started getting bored with the same routines over and over again.
  • In January, I saw a post on a friend’s Facebook page that CrossFit Wallingford was opening up in February.  I decided “what the hell, I will give it a shot.”  I have now been doing Crossfit for just over 3 months. I started the year at 281.4 lbs, and now weigh 227 lb.  I believe that this is one of the better decisions that I have made in my life.  Not only have I lost a lot of weight, but I feel great, and have met a great bunch of new friends.
  • I love the atmosphere, the coaches and members are great, the camaraderie is amazing and those WODS, especially the Hero WODs, are more then just a workout, they mean something, and everyone pushes each other to get through them.This decision has changed my life and definitely saved my life.
  • I want to thank Coach Rob and Coach Ron for all the hard work they put into CrossFit Wallingford as well as all of the members of the CFW family and also my wife and kids for their support.
  • Congrats to Jim for all his hard work. Jim is always in early working on a different skill but, more importantly, he is always  willing to help other members. We are proud to have Jim at our Box not only for his athletic ability but for what he brings as a person.  Thank you Jim and this is well deserved.