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Congratulations Meredith Berger! November’s CrossFitter of the Month!

About Meredith:

Let me start by saying I am honored. Exercising/working out was never easy for me and doesn’t come naturally to me. Two summers ago I was over weight, sedentary, with two autoimmune diseases, arthritis, asthma, and social anxiety. I was uncomfortable and in pain most of the time. My husband and teen son had been going to CrossFit Wallingford and told me to check it out. He said it was safe place full of welcoming and encouraging people with coaches who really care. I was cynical, and scared. Mostly scared. But with his support, I gave it a try.

I couldn’t finish my first On Ramp class. I cried. I wheezed. My body felt I was moving cement. I was so embarrassed I didn’t want to go back. Coach Rob was really reassuring. After a pep talk, I went back. Coach Ron & Rob were encouraging all through my on ramp classes even though all my movements were extremely scaled. I needed sandbags on my feet to do sit ups, I used the 15lb barbell and 8lb kettlebells in workouts, and even did scaled burpees. My first real WOD was a tough one. It had running, and barbells, and burpees. I was the last to finish – as I was headed out to do the final run, alone, slow, wheezing, ready to quit, one wonderful CrossFitter came out and ran with me, encouraging me. It brought tears to my eyes. That gesture was exactly what I needed. I don’t know who it was, but I love her for that. She made it so I didn’t quit.
Pretty much every day since starting CrossFit has been a discussion with myself to get up and do it. I always feel great when I’m done and look forward to the next workout. At one point I resorted to asking others at the box call or text me to make me accountable, which I needed. I wanted this, but I couldn’t do it on my own.

In the last year at CrossFit Wallingford I’ve gone from three days a week to unlimited and started working with the competition class and the Olympic lifting class. I’m still scaled in my WODs, and that’s okay. I’m less scaled today than I was a year ago. I’ve spent the better part of the last year and half out of my comfort zone challenging myself. Some days I win the challenge, some days I don’t. As of today, my health is improved significantly. My joint inflammation is reduced, I don’t have crippling anxiety going to the box, and I don’t need my inhaler on a regular basis. I can do sit ups unassisted; I use the 33lb barbell with weights, and the 25lb kettlebell. Not much for most people, but a lot for me. AND I’m in my first scaled CrossFit Competition this month. I love feeling stronger and healthier.

My husband was right about CrossFit Wallingford. The coaches do care, the people are welcoming and encouraging. I’ve made a number of friends and no matter what time I go, there is always a friendly face. The WODs are fun – well, most of them – and what isn’t fun makes me glad I met the challenge. I can’t say enough positive things about the atmosphere, people and coaches. It might sound sappy, but they have all played a significant part in helping find me again.

** Meredith always has a great attitude and is an inspiration to us all. She completed TWO Tough Mudders this year and is competing in her first CrossFit competition tomorrow at the CrossFit Wallingford Fight Hunger Games! Keep up the great work Meredith!!**
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