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Congratulations Alyssa Paige: February CrossFitter of the Month!

**CONGRATULATIONS ALYSSA PAIGE! Our February CrossFitter of the Month!**

About Alyssa:

Let me say what an honor it is to be selected for CrossFitter of the Month. CFW is home to many determined athletes that any member could have been chosen.

After starting my weight loss journey 3 years ago I have made fitness a daily part of my life. It was not until my friend Dana convinced me to step outside my bubble and try CrossFit. I was always so intimidated by the athletes and movements that I never thought I would like it.

But here I am, a year and a half later and what a journey it has been. One of the greatest things about CFW and crossfit in general is that there is always something to work towards. My first month at CFW I wrote on the “goal board” to get an unassisted pull-up. After hard work, dedication, and support from coaches and members I have not only exceeded my own goal but also achieved butterfly pull-ups. At CrossFit, you recognize your weaknesses and attack them full force. From double unders, rope climbs, and handstand push-ups, CrossFit has given me so many different movements to focus on. Your work is never done. There is always something to practice and new goals to set. CFW has forced me to keep on going even when I wanted to quit and give up. I have had some of the most mentally and physically demanding experiences at this box but I wouldn’t change it for anything.

Thank you to CFW for pushing me to better myself each day. It is because of CrossFit I have tried and accomplished things I never thought possible. I competed in my first completion in October with awesome team members (something I swore I would never do). Thank you to the wonderful coaches who help myself and others in so many different ways. And finally, thank you to the members (especially Dev) who continuously motivate me. I am so glad I joined CFW for so many reasons. There truly are no limits here.
**Congratulations, Alyssa. Your progress and determination has truly been inspiring to watch. We’re proud of you and look forward to see where you go as a CrossFit Wallingford Athlete!**