New photo from Crossfit Wallingford

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**Congratulations BILL BERGER! Our June CrossFitter of the Month!**

About Bill:

Wow…what a surprise and honor to be considered similar to people that I find to be some of the most giving, motivational and inspirational people that I’ve ever met.

I’ve been athletic and competitive my whole life with a variety of team sports and the Marines. After finding that there wasn’t a big demand for hurdlers outside of college, I competed in road races and triathlons as a young adult. As I got older, I continued my solitary running and P90X since didn’t know that there was a competitive, community-rich alternative. My wife, Meredith had tried CrossFit and recommended that my son, Cameron and I give it a try. Luckily, CFW was having an open house two years ago in June and we decided take a look. We weren’t long into the On Ramps when we convinced Meredith that CFW was something special and that she should join us.

Through CFW, Ron and Rob have fostered such a special place that has become a significant part of our lives inside and outside of the box. From trail runs, road races, mud runs, post-workout brunches, trivia nights, to nights on the town, the special people of CFW have become a huge part of our lives. 8 o’clock at night has taken on a new meaning in the family as we take a peek at what is in store for us with the next day’s WOD.

My journey with CrossFit hasn’t been without its setbacks. A little over a year ago, I was pushing to be able to Rx all of the workouts when I pinched a nerve in my neck and learned that I have multiple bone spurs and herniated discs. After several months of rest and rehab, I was ready to return to my path towards Rx greatness but thankfully, Ron coached me to see that I could challenge myself at scaled levels and possibly see great results. He couldn’t have been more on the mark as I continue to find my overall fitness and endurance strengthening to levels that I haven’t seen in years.

I feel so lucky to have found CFW and the strong sense of community that it embodies. I have never had so much fun sharing in the daily achievements that our members earn and enjoy. The drive and desire of every coach to go beyond teaching a fitness class and to share their passion for fitness and wellness is inspiring. The care and compassion shown by so many members to one another inside and outside of the box drives me to be a better person. There is simply an infectious desire to play a positive role in each other’s lives.

Above all else, CFW has taught me that while I may not be the fittest or the fastest or the strongest, I am always going strive to challenge myself to be my fittest, my fastest and my strongest that I can be.

Thank you for this recognition. I look forward to CrossFit and CFW continuing to be a big part of our lives.

**Congratulations, Bill! You are not only an incredible athlete but you encourage and motivate all of us. Our CFW Community is lucky to have you as your selflessness and compassion for others has helped so many of our members achieve their goals.**
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