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Congratulations Maggie Wojas, our September CrossFitter of the Month!

Congratulations Maggie Wojas, our September CrossFitter of the Month!

About Maggie:

I will never forget my first steps into CrossFit Wallingford when all I could think was, “What the heck am I doing here, there is absolutely no way I am doing this!!”  Two weeks of on-ramp classes turned into giving it until the end of the month. At the end of that month Coach Ron said “I promise if you really commit to three months you will absolutely love it” and all I could think was that there is no chance that will happen and now 11 months later I can’t imagine things without CFW.

From the wonderful friends I’ve made to the fitness goals I’ve accomplished I really belive that CrossFit Wallingford has turned from a place I workout to a place I belong.  It has helped me develop a confidence in myself that I never thought I would be capable of having.   No matter the kind of day you’re having the minute you walk thru the doors of CFW you’re pushed to levels you never believed you could reach and walk out with an overwhelming sense of belonging.

I really want to thank each coach for always pushing us to do what we doubt we can, the other members of CFW who always challenge me, make me laugh, and make me believe that things like obstacle 5ks and CrossFit competitions are never outside my reach.  Thank you all and what a true honor to be CFW’S CrossFitter of the Month.

**Congratulations, Maggie! We’re so glad that “end of the month” turned into having you become part of our CrossFit Wallingford community! You’ve accomplished so much and we know you keep achieving bigger goals!**