Crossfit Wallingford

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  • Post category:WOD

We want to thank everyone again for coming out yesterday to support the 2nd annual Fight Hunger Games! We saw incredible teamwork, athleticism, and sportsmanship along with some impressive PRs!

Congratulations to the winners!

Womens RX
1. Grit and Grace (CrossFit 033)
2. Factory Square (CrossFit Factory Square)
3. Amrappers Delight (CrossFit Norwalk)

Men RX
1. Greenwich Crossfit
2. The Handsome Devils (CrossFit Danbury)
3. American Made (CrossFit Wallingford)

Womens Scaled
1. Physically Fit (Physically Fit CT)
2. Vicious and Delicious (CrossFit Wallingford)
3. Two Peas in a WOD (CrossFIt Wallingford)

Men’s Scaled
1. Geremia Boys (CrossFit Wallingford)
2. Hells Kettlebells (CrossFIt Wallingford)
3. Jive Turkeys (CrossFit Wallingford)