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Congratulations David Morgillo – Our February CrossFitter of the Month!

**CONGRATULATIONS DAVID MORGILLO! Our February CrossFitter of the Month!**

About David:

I had been working out consistently using what I would consider conventional methods for over a decade. I’d been running about 15 miles a week and lifting 3-5 times a week or so, when a good friend asked me to run a Spartan with him, I figured “no problem.” That day out on a muddy, hilly course on a farm in Concord, North Carolina I learned a lot about myself and that my routine was woefully lacking. Besides realizing that I hadn’t really been pushing myself as hard as I thought I was, I had my first taste of the CrossFit culture.

There were moments where I wanted to quit and just walk off the course. At these low points I wasn’t surprised to see my friend and his team coming to support me but, I was floored when complete strangers stopped along the way to offer encouragement. At first being the cynical guy I am, I wasn’t sure what to make of it. After a while though, I realized they weren’t patronizing me, or frustrated with me for being slow through an obstacle. These strangers sincerely wanted me to do well. They clapped and cheered me on, offered tips, counted off reps even lent a hand or shoulder to step on if that’s what I needed. It was that morning I realized that I could quit on myself much easier than I could quit on other people, even if they were complete strangers. I was hooked. I needed find a way make this part of life.

I started doing some research on CrossFit to see if it was going to be what I needed. Most of the things I was reading weren’t very positive. There were a lot of stories of people getting hurt trying moves they weren’t ready for, having to deal with flakey box managers and unwelcoming or stand-offish communities. That was until my cousin, who had been working out at CrossFit Wallingford, reached out and encouraged me to come down and try a beginner WOD with her on a Saturday morning. She assured me that the coaches were great and that they’d work with me to be sure I was safe. With her assurance I decided to give it try and I haven’t looked back since.

I still remember walking through the door that first day, looking up and reading the sign that greets us every day “Walk in strangers, leave family.” At the time I didn’t realize the significance of the sign. What I’ve learned since is this isn’t lip service or some canned motto that just decorates the space. This is a real sentiment that defines who we are at CFW.

I don’t have the words to adequately convey my thanks to all the coaches for all their support and guidance over the past 10 months. In my humble opinion, we have the best coaches in the business bar none. To all the members, thank you for making me feel like a part of the family from the very beginning. Thank you for always being there to pick me up when I’m discouraged. Thank you for always challenging me to do more than I think I can.

I am absolutely thrilled and honored to have been named the CrossFit Wallingford CrossFitter of the Month for February. Being recognized is always nice but, nothing quite tops the feeling of being recognized by your peers.

Thank you all for making CFW such an amazing place.

**David, we are so glad you are a part of our CFW family! Your hard work and persistence is an inspiration to everyone. Congratulations and we look forward to what you will do in the coming year!**
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