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**February 2016 CFW recap**
February 2016 marks 3 years that Crossfit Wallingford has been giving you the gift of fitness! We are very excited to have several original members still spending time with us on a regular basis and dozens of new friends we have made along the way on this journey! Thank you all for supporting us on our dream!
February brought Jen back to CFW as well as several new members. Please say Hi to Rich, Jen and Ursula when you see them!
The Opens began in February and 38 of our athletes signed up to compete! Best Wishes to Devin, David, Coach Rob, Coach Brian, Emily, Mike, Haley, Coach Matt, Coach Mike, Mary, Justin, Chris, Ryan, Damien, Coach Ron, Kim, Jason, Kristen, Dom, Chris, Hayley, Sofia, Bill, Shannon, Katelyn, Jean, Maggie, Lauren, Val A., Val M., Kristin, Alicia, Dan, Erin, Dawn, Christine, Deb and Meredith. May the Wods be ever in your favor!
There was a lot of running this month in CT and all over the USA- even in the bitter cold! The running club participated in a virtual 5K to support PCD, Brianna and Judy ran a 5K on what was probably the coldest morning of the year, the Murray’s ran a 10K in Texas and Ron PRd his 5K time in sunny Florida! Congrats to all of you for pushing yourselves out of your comfort zones!
The strength cycle that began in February was deadlifts and although we have not completed yet, it has already brought many PRs: Kudos to Jess, Alicia, Stacy, Erin and Lisa (we know there are more of you! Send us your PRs for future editions!)
Congrats to the February Crossfitter of the Month, Dave Morgillo, on his Clean and Jerk PR!
Huge high five to Alyssa on her handstand walk! Nice job, lady!
Thanks, to everyone who submitted accomplishments. Please continue to share for March’s update!
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