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Congratulations James Birney! Our March CrossFitter of the month!

**CONGRATULATIONS JAMES BIRNEY! Our March CrossFitter of the month!**

About James:

I was never a huge gym person – even though I had been a member of a Wallingford gym for over ten years, and countless other gyms before that. When I did get on workout kicks I would spend my 20 to 30 minutes on an elliptical, then work a little on an ab machine, and maybe a few minutes on a couple other machines that I didn’t really know how to use. I don’t believe I ever stayed longer than an hour on any visit, and would guess the yearly visits were fewer than 50.

About a year and half ago my brother asked me to do a 5K with him and I agreed. It took me a couple months to work up to that, as it had been years since I had run outside. I did the 5K and felt really good about it (even though he and my 12 year old niece beat me solidly). I continued to run outside and visit the gym a couple times a week, but wanted to do more.

I told my wife that I was going to sign up for some cardio classes at the gym, and she mentioned that I should look into CrossFit. CrossFit – what the hell is that – I truly never heard of it. I typed “CrossFit in Wallingford CT” into Google, and CFW came up first. A few days later, I walked into the Saturday morning Intro class – Wallballs always remind me of that first class! I followed that up with On-Ramps, and will never forget the last class not being able to make it through the last round – which included jumping rope which I had never done in my life – Ron took mercy on me and cut me off.

After becoming a member, I started going two or three times per week and found myself really looking forward to it. I started checking out the WOD the night before, and looking up various exercises that I had never heard of, so I had some kind of clue when I showed up. I am now hooked, and going as many times per week as I can – up to seven classes a couple of times – including Cardiofit.

All I could say is that Crossfit has shed a whole new light on “working out” or “going to the gym” for me. CFW is a great place – members, coaches, everyone I have had the pleasure to meet and workout with. I was shocked when Rob announced that I was CrossFitter of the month, (in front of the largest class I think I ever attended) mainly because of all the other great athletes that are at CFW – I truly appreciate it, and all the support from everyone.
Lastly, I want to thank Rob and Ron for creating such an awesome place, and all of the coaches, who have taught, helped, encouraged, and pushed me for the last 49 weeks. Many more goals to reach and I look forward to working toward them at CFW.

**Awesome job, James! We’re so glad you joined our community! You’ve worked hard and come so far in your first year with us! We look forward to seeing what you bring to your next year at CrossFit Wallingford!**
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