Crossfit Wallingford

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Recovery poses for 3/15 courtesy of ROMWOD:

Puppy dog – 2 min
Starting on your hands and knees, reach your arms out straight in front of you as far as you can go and let your upper back sink towards the ground. Your forehead will most likely be on the floor but if you’re really flexible you can try to get your throat on the floor. Keep your butt over your knees, don’t sit back on your feet. This stretches out your shoulders and upper back.

Seated straddle – 2 min
Sit on the ground and take your legs as far apart as you can. Sit up tall then fall forward in between your legs. If you have trouble getting into that position, use the rig or something similar to pull your chest gently down. You should feel this in your hamstrings and inner thighs.

Pigeon pose – 2 min per leg
This is the same stretch we do in my Wednesday classes, just held longer. Take one leg out in front and let your other leg stay long behind you. If you can’t get your hips square with the ground it helps to use something to prop your front leg up. You can use a box, ab mat, anything like that. You should feel this in your glutes, not in your knees.