Crossfit Wallingford

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Recovery poses for 3/16 courtesy of ROMWOD:

Lizard pose – 2 min per leg
This is similar to the sprinter stretch we all know and love. Take one leg out in front of you, place both hands on the ground inside your leg and leave your other leg long behind you with your knee on the ground. Try to get your forearms on the ground if you can, if it’s too intense, keep your arms straight. You sound feel this in your hips.

Dragon pose – 2 min per leg
Similar to lizard, only this time, keep your spine tall and place your hands on your knee to keep yourself up. Your back leg should be as long as possible behind you. This pose focuses on the hip flexor and quad of the back leg.

Child’s pose with triceps – 2 min
This is a gentle and relaxing pose. Get into child’s pose and reach your arms out as far as possible in front of you. Then bend your arms and reach your hands towards your upper back. Sink your upper back towards the ground to enhance the stretch. You should feel this in your upper back and your triceps.